What’s happening in my country
On the country pages you will find useful information about what is happening in EU Member States concerning the planning and implementation of smart villages.
The information aims to orient people on policy planning, key contacts and resources on smart villages. However, it neither aims to be fully comprehensive, nor necessarily reflects the official government or European Commission position.
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Michael Fischer
A presentation on the insights into the implementation of Smart Villages in the Austrian CAP SP and explaining the interpretation of the EU’s Smart Village definition was provided during the first LEADER Stakeholder Platform Meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on the insights into the implementation of Smart Villages in the Austrian CAP SP and explaining the interpretation of the EU’s Smart Village definition was provided during the first LEADER Stakeholder Platform Meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Smart Rural 27
An overview: how the concept of Smart Villages is programmed in the CAP Strategic Plans
Katrina Idu
A presentation on the overview of the various approaches to programming Smart Villages and the diverse interpretations of them across EU countries was provided during the first LEADER Stakeholder Platform Meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Edina Ocsko
A presentation on the overall objective, motivation, and insights into supporting Smart Villages at various levels within the Smart Rural 27 project was provided during the first LEADER Stakeholder Platform Meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project by Edina Ocsko project coordinator.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on the overall objective, motivation, and insights into supporting Smart Villages at various levels within the Smart Rural 27 project was provided during the first LEADER Stakeholder Platform Meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project by Edina Ocsko project coordinator.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Fritz Pichler
Municipality of Stanz
A presentation on the local development of the village Stanz was provided by the Mayor of Stanz, Fritz Pichler, during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting held in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on the local development of the village Stanz was provided by the Mayor of Stanz, Fritz Pichler, during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting held in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Ryan Howard
A presentation illustrating how LEADER can stimulate Smart Villages, with a specific focus on the SECAD Partnership, was provided during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting in Prague, Czechia held on 27-28th of November 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation illustrating how LEADER can stimulate Smart Villages, with a specific focus on the SECAD Partnership, was provided during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting in Prague, Czechia held on 27-28th of November 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Mariolina Pianezzola
LAG Tradizione delle Terre Occitane
A presentation focusing on the rural development of the Piedmont region, with a special emphasis on the development strategies of Local Action Groups (LAGs), was given during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting held in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation focusing on the rural development of the Piedmont region, with a special emphasis on the development strategies of Local Action Groups (LAGs), was given during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting held in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Filippo Chiozzotto
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignity and Forest
A presentation showcasing how Smart Villages are programmed within the Italian CAP SP, featuring examples of good practices and other policies supporting Smart Villages in Italy, was provided during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting held in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation showcasing how Smart Villages are programmed within the Italian CAP SP, featuring examples of good practices and other policies supporting Smart Villages in Italy, was provided during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting held in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Katrina Idu
A presentation on the initial findings on Smart Villages programming under CAP SP across Member States was provided during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023. The presentation noted variations in support mechanisms, including LEADER and dedicated Cooperation/Investment interventions.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on the initial findings on Smart Villages programming under CAP SP across Member States was provided during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023. The presentation noted variations in support mechanisms, including LEADER and dedicated Cooperation/Investment interventions.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Edina Ocsko
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation introducing the second day’s agenda, the methodology of round tables focusing on ‘Animating the Smart Villages Observatory,’ and the final session on ‘Linking bottom-up SV approaches to LEADER/regional approaches, was provided during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting held in Prague, Czechia, on November 27th-28th, 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Florian Kittel
Ministry of Finance Saxony-Anhalt
A presentation on Saxony-Anhalt’s multi-funded CLLD approach, focusing on the Ministry of Finance’s guidelines and the decision to exclusively implement rural development through the LEADER/CLLD approach in the upcoming planning period, was provided during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting in Prague, Czechia, on November 27th-28th, 2023. It addressed obstacles and success factors, showcased real examples, and provided support for project promoters.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on Saxony-Anhalt’s multi-funded CLLD approach, focusing on the Ministry of Finance’s guidelines and the decision to exclusively implement rural development through the LEADER/CLLD approach in the upcoming planning period, was provided during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting in Prague, Czechia, on November 27th-28th, 2023. It addressed obstacles and success factors, showcased real examples, and provided support for project promoters.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Marc Laget
National Agency for Territorial Cohesion
A presentation on the concept of Third Places highlighting their support in France through EU funding and their dual focus on addressing social issues through collective innovation and fostering economic activities in rural areas was given during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on the concept of Third Places highlighting their support in France through EU funding and their dual focus on addressing social issues through collective innovation and fostering economic activities in rural areas was given during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting in Prague, Czechia, on November 27-28th, 2023.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Radim Sršeň Ph.D.
Ministry of Regional Development of Czechia
A presentation on the Czech National Smart Cities Strategy, along with some examples of relevant measures was given during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on the Czech National Smart Cities Strategy, along with some examples of relevant measures was given during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Smart Rural 27
Introduction to the Smart Rural 27 Project and the European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory
Edina Ocsko
A presentation on the overall objective and purpose of Smart Rural 27 was given during the 2nd European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Smart Rural 27
Report on the first European Stakeholder Platform meeting for National CAP Managing Authorities
The report presents the outcomes of the first European Stakeholder Platform meeting for National CAP Managing Authorities of the Smart Rural 27 project, which took place on October 20, 2023 online. The primary objective of the meeting was to launch the Platform for Managing Authorities. During the event, the focus was on discussing how Smart Villages receive support through the CAP Strategic Plans. The workshop included presentations and discussions showcasing examples of Smart Villages interventions from more advanced Member States, with an emphasis on the planning and implementation of Smart Villages support initiatives.
Language : English
Type of resource : Report
The report on the proceedings of the first LEADER Stakeholder Platform Meeting titled ‘Supporting Smart Villages Through LEADER’. The primary objective of this meeting was to convene stakeholders involved in LEADER initiatives at all levels to deliberate on the ways LEADER can provide support to Smart Villages. Additionally, discussions centered on how the Smart Rural 27 project can assist LEADER actors in their efforts to support Smart Villages.
Language : English
Type of resource : Report
The report on the proceedings of the first LEADER Stakeholder Platform Meeting titled ‘Supporting Smart Villages Through LEADER’. The primary objective of this meeting was to convene stakeholders involved in LEADER initiatives at all levels to deliberate on the ways LEADER can provide support to Smart Villages. Additionally, discussions centered on how the Smart Rural 27 project can assist LEADER actors in their efforts to support Smart Villages.
Language : English
Type of resource : Report
Fritz Pichler
Municipality of Stanz
, E40
This short film is about the Life in Stanz, in Austria (one of the selected Smart Rural villages) presented through the work of the local inspirational mayor, Fritz Pichler. Fritz is working hard with his team to make a change in the life of the village through a range of inspiring smart initiatives.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Video
This short film is about the Life in Stanz, in Austria (one of the selected Smart Rural villages) presented through the work of the local inspirational mayor, Fritz Pichler. Fritz is working hard with his team to make a change in the life of the village through a range of inspiring smart initiatives.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Video
Piotr Ostaszewski
Ostoja Natury
, E40
This short film presents the Life in Tomaszyn in Poland (selected Smart Rural village) through the work of the local leader and inspirational figure, Piotr Ostaszewski. Piotr is managing Ostoja Natury, an agricultural cooperative located in Tomaszyn a small village in Warmia and Mazury in Poland. His commitment to regenerative agriculture and building the local community is inspirational for many others.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Video
This short film presents the Life in Tomaszyn in Poland (selected Smart Rural village) through the work of the local leader and inspirational figure, Piotr Ostaszewski. Piotr is managing Ostoja Natury, an agricultural cooperative located in Tomaszyn a small village in Warmia and Mazury in Poland. His commitment to regenerative agriculture and building the local community is inspirational for many others.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Video
Parish council of the catholic church St.Maria Salome Ovenhousen
The factsheet outlines the the smart journey of Ovenhousen, lighthouse community in digital services within the Smart Rural 27 project. Ovenhousen’s vision of how digital applications could be used to improve day-to-day life in the village. Two main goals are improving digital competences of the residents and creating digital services tailored to the village.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
The factsheet outlines the the smart journey of Ovenhousen, lighthouse community in digital services within the Smart Rural 27 project. Ovenhousen’s vision of how digital applications could be used to improve day-to-day life in the village. Two main goals are improving digital competences of the residents and creating digital services tailored to the village.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
Samsø Energy Academy
The factsheet outlines the the smart journey of Samsø, lighthouse community in ‘Renewable energy’ within the Smart Rural 27 project. After years of successful citizen engagement through different projects, including renewable energy and environmentally related projects their goal is to continue doing so. Next steps include sustainable ferry transport to and from the island, and renewing district heating system.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
The factsheet outlines the the smart journey of Samsø, lighthouse community in ‘Renewable energy’ within the Smart Rural 27 project. After years of successful citizen engagement through different projects, including renewable energy and environmentally related projects their goal is to continue doing so. Next steps include sustainable ferry transport to and from the island, and renewing district heating system.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
Raudanmaa Cooperative
The factsheet outlines the smart journey of Raudanmaa, lighthouse community within the Smart Rural 27 project. Building water and sewer system, optical fiber network, multiservice center, and developing tourism and local businesses are some of the actions already taken towards the goal to regain services and bring new businesses to the village area, all through local co-operatives. Raudanmaa’s next steps include expanding Children’s Farm and opening lunch cafeteria.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
The factsheet outlines the smart journey of Raudanmaa, lighthouse community within the Smart Rural 27 project. Building water and sewer system, optical fiber network, multiservice center, and developing tourism and local businesses are some of the actions already taken towards the goal to regain services and bring new businesses to the village area, all through local co-operatives. Raudanmaa’s next steps include expanding Children’s Farm and opening lunch cafeteria.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
Municipality of Lormes
The factsheet outlines the smart journey of Lormes, lighthouse community in digital services within the Smart Rural 27 project. The aim of Lormes was to strengthen digital competences and skills among citizens and local businesses, to establish a powerful digital infrastructure, and to create digital service offerings responding to needs of citizens and local businesses.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
The factsheet outlines the smart journey of Lormes, lighthouse community in digital services within the Smart Rural 27 project. The aim of Lormes was to strengthen digital competences and skills among citizens and local businesses, to establish a powerful digital infrastructure, and to create digital service offerings responding to needs of citizens and local businesses.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
Municipality of Athienou
The factsheet outlines the smart journey of Athineou, lighthouse community within the Smart Rural 27 project. Athineou, a peripheral rural community started addressing local problems by establishing the Council of Volunteers and basic social services. Goals for the future are to adress local needs and establish necessary social programs to tackle the challenges identified through the engagement of the community members in the development.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
The factsheet outlines the smart journey of Athineou, lighthouse community within the Smart Rural 27 project. Athineou, a peripheral rural community started addressing local problems by establishing the Council of Volunteers and basic social services. Goals for the future are to adress local needs and establish necessary social programs to tackle the challenges identified through the engagement of the community members in the development.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study, Factsheet
Kai Sievert
Riddle and Code
A presentation on the “Token System & Blockchain Pilot Project” related to the energy community was delivered by Kai Sievert from Riddle & Code on the 2nd day of the the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory event during the field visit to Stanz.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on the “Token System & Blockchain Pilot Project” related to the energy community was delivered by Kai Sievert from Riddle & Code on the 2nd day of the the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory event during the field visit to Stanz.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Armin Knotzer
AEE Intec
Presentation on an innovative, energy-flexible plus-energy quarter—the village center of Stanz provided on the second day of the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory, during the field visit to Stanz.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Presentation on an innovative, energy-flexible plus-energy quarter—the village center of Stanz provided on the second day of the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory, during the field visit to Stanz.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Hans-Olof Stalgren
Presentation on Häradsbäck’s (Sweden) smart journey towards becoming a self-sustained rural area, equipped to handle crises and embrace the green transition while fostering a strong local economy provided at the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Presentation on Häradsbäck’s (Sweden) smart journey towards becoming a self-sustained rural area, equipped to handle crises and embrace the green transition while fostering a strong local economy provided at the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Smart Rural 27
Engaging community members in renewable energy community and other local actions
Fritz Pichler
, Rainer Rosegger
Municipality of Stanz
Presentaion on “Stanz Energy Community,” focusing on engaging community members in renewable energy communities and other local actions provided at the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Michael Fischer
, Paweł Krzeczunowicz
, Peter Plant
, Jaana Oikarinen
Recording of the a panel discussion conducted during the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project on May 11th, with Michael Fischer, SR27 National Expert – Austria; Jaana Oikarinen from LAG Mansikaa, Finland; Paweł Krzeczunowicz from the Polish National Rural Network, and Peter Plant from Torup & LAG Halsnæs-Gribskov. The panel explored various aspects of Smart Villages, sharing insights, experiences, and perspectives on rural development challenges and solutions.
Language : English
Type of resource : Video
Recording of the a panel discussion conducted during the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting of the Smart Rural 27 project on May 11th, with Michael Fischer, SR27 National Expert – Austria; Jaana Oikarinen from LAG Mansikaa, Finland; Paweł Krzeczunowicz from the Polish National Rural Network, and Peter Plant from Torup & LAG Halsnæs-Gribskov. The panel explored various aspects of Smart Villages, sharing insights, experiences, and perspectives on rural development challenges and solutions.
Language : English
Type of resource : Video
Ann-Sofi Backgren
A presentation on supporting the implementation of Smart Villages CAP interventions in Finland within the CAP Strategic Plans was delivered during the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting by the Finnish Rural Network.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on supporting the implementation of Smart Villages CAP interventions in Finland within the CAP Strategic Plans was delivered during the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting by the Finnish Rural Network.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Miklós Maacz
Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture
A presentation on supporting the implementation of Smart Villages CAP interventions within the CAP Strategic Plan in Hungary was delivered by the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary at the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meetingof the Smart Rural 27 project.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation on supporting the implementation of Smart Villages CAP interventions within the CAP Strategic Plan in Hungary was delivered by the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary at the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meetingof the Smart Rural 27 project.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
Smart Rural 27
How LEADER/CLLD Local Action Groups can support the emergence of smart village strategies and projects?
Primoz Kroflic
LAG Raznolikost Podezelja
A presentation on fostering Smart Village strategies and projects and the role of LEADER/CLLD Local Action Groups in Slovenia was given at the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation