The Resources Database contains relevant Smart Villages resources (including analytical reports, case studies, strategies, webpages, presentations, etc.) identified and collected in the framework of the Smart Rural 21 project (2020-2022) and later in the framework of Smart Rural 27 project (2021-2023). Many of the resources were directly developed in the framework of the Smart Rural projects (for instance smart village strategies or presentations made at events), whereas others are external resources identified to be relevant for Smart Villages. The database is continuously being enhanced until the end of the Smart Rural 27 project, and users can search by country, type of policy, type of organisation, type of resource or free keyword search.
A presentation given at the ninth European Network for Rural Development thematic group meeting on smart villages on experiences with implementing the lump sum (draft budget) cost option in Finland.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation given at the ninth European Network for Rural Development thematic group meeting on smart villages on opportunities under the Cooperation Measure (M16) of the Rural Development Programme.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation given at the ninth European Network for Rural Development thematic group meeting on smart villages on ways in which a LEADER project has benefitted from digital opportunities.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation given at the ninth European Network for Rural Development thematic group meeting on smart villages on plans for the future framework for supporting smart villages in Finland.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A presentation given at the ninth European Network for Rural Development thematic group meeting on smart villages on the current policy landscape for supporting smart villages in Finland.
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
A meeting of the dedicated European Network for Rural Development thematic group featured a site visit to Finland, specifically, to two of the villages participating in the national ’smart village’ competition, Vähikkälä and Teuro-Kuuslammi, which outlined their visions for the future. The Finnish Managing Authority presented their proposal for supporting these and other villages in fulfilling their visions by designing a dedicated framework for smart villages in the CAP Strategic Plan.
Language : English
A briefing paper outlining Finland’s proposal to design future interventions under the CAP Strategic Plan in a way that is both simple to use and provides clear added value for rural communities. The briefing was produced in the framework of the European Network for Rural Development thematic group on smart villages.
Language : English
A presentation overviewing the timeline of the Finish NRN’s activities related to smart villages.
Language : Finnish
Type of resource : Presentation
A round of 15 regional ‘smart countryside’ events, organised around smart solutions in spring 2020.
Language : Finnish
A competition jointly organised by the Finnish National Support Unit and the smart villages thematic working group. Its aim was to find “the smartest village” that is able to take their intelligent, out-of-the-box thinking to the furthest. Participating villages are offered support and other inspirational content, such as innovation camps, training and peer-support to promote their journey to become smart. Digitisation is one of the cornerstones of this journey. All the villages describe their journey and smart end-products in audio-visual format. Based on these short videos and a field trip, the jury of the competition chose the winner in October 2020.
Language : Finnish
The smart villages thematic group was one of the two thematic working groups of the Finnish National Rural Network. This group was consequently dissolved and a new one is planned under the Finnish Village Movement Association to continue the work. The work of the thematic group included event organisation and overall publicity for the ‘smart villages’ concept. The role of the national thematic group was to help get answers and open up the theme, and it achieved that during its mandate (2019-2020). Members of the group had expertise in innovation, digitisation, broadband, transport and mobility solutions, youth, entrepreneurship, education, and regional development and policy. The group launched discussions, collected and shared information, launched research, organised own events and participated in others’ events, and supported the ‘smartest village competition’. The group raised awareness of the concept and contributed to the planning of smart villages programming for 2021-2027.
Language : Finnish
A presentation given at the first meeting of the European Network for Rural Development thematic group on smart villages.
A study carried out by the Finnish government examining the challenges facing the country’s rural areas and the opportunities offered by digitisation. The study provides a wide range of recommendations for improving digital innovations in rural services.
Language : English
The Digital Infrastructure Strategy prepared by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, promoting competitiveness and wellbeing by enabling the utilisation of, for example, data economy and artificial intelligence in both the private and public services. The strategy determines objectives for the development of the digital infrastructure in Finland by 2025, as well as the methods for achieving this objective. These cover both the promotion of wireless connections and the construction of fixed connections. The strategy further deals with other technologies supplementing the data communications infrastructure.
Language : Finnish
A one-day event was organised for rural development stakeholders, Local Action Group (LAG) representatives and policy makers. Among others, the ‘smart village’ concept was presented and a dedicated thematic workshop was held.
Language : Hungarian
Type of resource : Event
The Smart Village Strategy of Alsómocsolád, a Come Along! village of the Smart Rural 21 project.
Language : Hungarian
Type of resource : Document
A study providing an extensive analysis of the concept of ‘smart village’, the changes observed in the interpretation of the term, and the results an empirical research on the feasibility of smart projects.
Language : Hungarian
The Academy is held quarterly with the aim of highlighting and transferring good practice examples and experiences of rural development from Hungary and abroad. The main topics include: management education; tourism development; branding of settlements and micro-regions; land and real estate development; local product development; innovation; agricultural management. The Academy is intended for village leaders, representatives of enterprises, non-governmental organisations interested in village development, leaders of advocacy organisations.
A comprehensive programme to catch up the 300 most disadvantaged settlements in Hungary. A social inclusion initiative, the programme is centred on children and securing their main needs through various actions focused on early development, heating, sports, and play, among others.
Language : Hungarian
A national initiative providing online access to more than 750 Hungarian documentaries, films and animations to libraries of small settlements with 5 500 inhabitants or less. Additionally, villages can get support for the physical design of their libraries’ spaces to be able to organise the cinema screenings.
Language : Hungarian
A Hungarian-Slovakian Interreg V project based on the premise that ’smartness’ is not the privilege of cities, but sustainable welfare could be also achieved in the countryside through the application of the latest technologies. The main goal was to support the smartness of rural settlements through the development of specific cross-border services, including a ‘Smart Village Compass’ and a catalogue of good practices, showcasing step by step the ‘smart’ actions villages can implement. In addition, the ‘smart database and helpdesk’ serves as a one-stop-shop, making all relevant and up-to-date information available in one place, connecting villages with relevant opportunities, as well as competent advisors.
Language : English
A presentation given in the framework of the ’Smart Communities 2.0 – How to be smart in the countryside?’ Hungarian-Slovakian Interreg V Project.
Language : Hungarian
A study published in the ‘New Hungarian Public Administration’ scientific journal.
Language : Hungarian
Type of resource : Publication
A study published in the ‘New Hungarian Public Administration’ scientific journal. The study examines the concept of ‘new localism’ as a wider framework for smart village and rural area development.
Language : Hungarian
Type of resource : Publication
Meeting minutes of the TÖOSZ Innovative Villages Club. The meeting covered the topic of smart villages.
Language : Hungarian
A presentation on the ‘smart villages’ concept given at the meeting of the TÖOSZ Innovative Villages Club by László Dicső, mayor of Alsómocslád.
Language : Hungarian
Type of resource : Presentation
A short video overviewing the Programme whose aim is to improve the livability of small settlements through various digital and smart solutions, jointly with the Digital Welfare Programme
Language : Hungarian
Type of resource : Video
A national scheme, including a list of measures on supporting the improvement of public services and the quality of life in rural areas.
Language : Hungarian
Type of resource : Project description
A web page outlining the concept of ‘Agriculture 4.0’ as based on large-scale data, generated by technologies and sensors used in precision agriculture, as well as the elements needed to achieve efficiency gains. The page highlights Hungary’s Digital Agriculture Strategy and the Government’s Resolution on the promotion and coordination of the digitisation of Hungarian agriculture
Language : Hungarian
Type of resource : Website
The Hungarian CAP Strategic Plan, drafted by the Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with professional organisations, contains the support measures of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027. The Plan was first submitted for social discussion before the formal submission to the EU Commission.
Language : Hungarian