The Resources Database contains relevant Smart Villages resources (including analytical reports, case studies, strategies, webpages, presentations, etc.) identified and collected in the framework of the Smart Rural 21 project (2020-2022) and later in the framework of Smart Rural 27 project (2021-2023). Many of the resources were directly developed in the framework of the Smart Rural projects (for instance smart village strategies or presentations made at events), whereas others are external resources identified to be relevant for Smart Villages. The database is continuously being enhanced until the end of the Smart Rural 27 project, and users can search by country, type of policy, type of organisation, type of resource or free keyword search.
A national conference on Smart Villages took place in Lough Rynn Castle, Mohill, Co. Leitrim in the west of Ireland. Leitrim County Council hosted this conference to highlight the issues, opportunities and progress achieved to date in developing the Smart Villages concept following the adoption by the Committee of the Regions of their paper on Revitalisation of Rural areas through Smart Towns/Villages, and an ongoing process in Leitrim of Town regeneration. Speakers highlighted how national policy such as the National Planning Framework and Project 2040 link to the smart villages concept and national policies are focused on building synergies between them which makes collaboration between different bodies important to achieve synergistic benefits. At a more local level, the conference also provided Leitrim with the opportunity to showcase how it is working to advance and apply the concept locally.
Language : English
FARNET’s 8th transnational seminar took place from 2-4 April 2019 in Bantry, Ireland. The seminar was an opportunity for FLAG managers to explore ways in which their FLAG areas can become ‘smarter’ by doing things differently and investing in imaginative ideas to tackle existing challenges. It was also be a chance to reflect on how to work towards smarter strategies for the future. This seminar was organised at the initiative of the European Commission with the support of FLAG South, Ireland’s Sea Food Development Agency – BIM (Bord Iascaigh Mhara) and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of the Republic of Ireland.
Language : English
Type of resource : Event
Killorglin in Co. Kerry was selected as a case study in the Smart Eco-Social Villages pilot project carried out by a consortium consisting of Ecorys, Origin for Sustainability and R.E.D. under the responsibility of the European Commission (DG-AGRI). The purpose of the project was to observe Smart Village activity to define the concept of Smart Village. The project mapped the current challenges and potential in 15 different rural towns and villages throughout Europe. Killorglin’s case study was based on their engagement with the community and the development of their local socio-economic plan. It is hoped that he outputs from this project will help inform future EU Rural Development Policy.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study
Innovative European Funded Erasmus + research project called ‘SmartRural’ with three other partners from Austria, France and Spain. The project looked at how ICT and mobile applications can be used to enhance agricultural activities as well as improving productivity, social and economic activities in rural communities. The project suggested the creation of an ad hoc training methodology based on the famers’s needs, offering them basic and specific knowledge on mobile applications. The project concluded with a conference entitled ‘The Future of Technology on the Farm’.
Language : English
An informative case study on Smart Village concept’s relationship with the LEADER Programme 2014-2020, as well as its close ties to Ireland’s ‘Smart Community’ initiative was produced.
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study
Tubbercurry & South Sligo hosted a Grow Remote Conference on the 16th of April 2019. The Grow Remote organisation is championing the spread of remote working in Ireland, particularly within rural communities.
Language : English
Type of resource : Event
Tubbercurry & South Sligo located in the west of Ireland have been selected as first rural area in Ireland to test the feasibility of the ‘Smart Community’ initiative, as the community already provides a self-service access to its local library using innovative technology from 8am to 10pm; 7 days a week; 365 days a year.
Language : English
A case study on Smart Village concept’s relationship with the LEADER Programme 2014-2020
Language : English
Type of resource : Case study
The aim of the seminar was to build a greater knowledge base around the Smart Villages initiative, and demonstrate how it can be planned, implemented and realized in an Irish context, particularly (but not solely) in the context of the design of the LEADER Programme post 2020. The first part of the seminar provided attendees with an overview and provide an understanding of the concept of Smart villages and how the concept can address some of the challenges experienced in rural areas, while the second part of the day illustrated how Smart Villages can work in practice focusing on key examples from existing projects such as the EIP-AGRI Operational Group model for example.
Language : English
Type of resource : Event
Dympna Harney from the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) presented ‘Ideas for supporting Smart Villages in Ireland’ in the next CAP programming period at the 12th ENRD Thematic Group meeting on Smart Villages
Language : English
Type of resource : Presentation
In association with the village of Ciugud in Alba County, the Romanian Association for Smart Cities has extended its mission and scope of activities to include support for smart villages. This includes a ‘Smart Village Kit’ and ‘Trusted Supplier Scheme’ for the design, development, implementation, and optimisation of digital public services. Ciugud is one of the pioneer smart villages in Romania and is actively promoting the concept both in Romania and more widely via the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe (NALAS).
Language : Romanian
Type of resource : Guidelines
Article about Smart Village Ciugud
Language : Romanian
Type of resource : Article
Translated article
Language : Bulgarian
Type of resource : Article
Translated article
Language : Bulgarian
Type of resource : Article
Translated article from the ENRD publication
Language : Bulgarian
Type of resource : Article
Adopted by Decision No 247 of the Council of Ministers. The strategy provides a brief overview and listing of specific initiatives carried out related to the digitalisation of agriculture (and some specifically related to Smart Villages), and states that the main institution at EU level re-sponsible for digitalising agriculture and promoting innovation is EIP-AGRI. The strategy focuses at 9 priority areas, one of which is Smart Villages, but in general it has a sectoral orientation (digitalisation of agriculture). Some of these priorities are oriented towards the digitalisation of rural areas and can, therefore, be relevant to Smart Villages, such as building and developing appropriate digital infrastructure, developing digital networks and using different applications, training and advice on developing digital skills and qualifications
Language : Bulgarian
Type of resource : Document
Language : Bulgarian, English
Type of resource : Website
This report is the first (draft) version of the Socio-Economic Report, including an analysis of the socio-economic situation of rural areas, as a component of the preparation of the the CAP Strategic Plan for the 2021-2027 programming period.
Language : Bulgarian
Type of resource : Document
Three reports on the issues of ‘climate and forestry’, ‘water and soil’ and ‘biodiversity’
Language : Bulgarian
Type of resource : Document
The framework position was adopted in November 2018 and reflects Bulgaria’s position on the European Commission’s proposal to establish rules for support for the strategic plans to be drawn up by the Member States under the Common Agricultural Policy.
Language : Bulgarian
Type of resource : Document
Language : Bulgarian
Type of resource : Document
Dedicated webpage on the NRN website
Language : Romanian
Type of resource : Website
The Smart City concept focuses strongly upon promoting public-private partnerships for the integration of IT and other technological innovations into policies / strategies for sustainable urban development.
Language : Romanian
Type of resource : Guidelines
One of the 15 good practices in the Pilot Project on Smart eco-social villages was from Romania. ‘Nod Verde’ is a pilot food hub managed by the NGO ‘Fundatia Civitas’ with funding from the ‘Romanian American Foundation’ (RAF) and is indicative of the creative and innovative community development work being undertaken by the third sector in Romania independently of EU-funding.
Language : Romanian
Type of resource : Website
A detailed proposal launched by the Romanian government to develop the concept of a “middle class of village” based upon the vision of “medium-sized farms and non-agricultural activities through which the Romanian village enters into modernity”. The main elements of the proposal were: · a menu of modified RDP measures targeted at small-medium sized family farms; · specific grant and credit facilities for small-medium sized family farms to leverage funding from the relevant RDP measures; · simplification of the tax regime for small rural businesses; · an alternative delivery mechanism (vouchers) for professional training of farmers, and; · strengthening LEADER Local Action Groups by giving them the role of “service support centres” targeted specifically at meeting the development needs (including ICT) of small-medium sized farms, small food processors, young entrepreneurs etc. The proposal was dropped when the administration changed in 2017, but it remains an indication of the political relevance of the Smart Village concept.
Language : Romanian
Language : Romanian
Type of resource : Document