The Smart Rural 21 Project
About the project
The Smart Rural project was a two and a half-year project supported by the European Commission (DG AGRI) with the overall aim to promote and inspire villages to develop and implement smart village approaches and strategies across Europe, and to draw conclusions and support future policy interventions on smart villages.
- Dec 2019 - Smart Rural 21 project started.
- Jan 2020 - Strategy development started with five preselected villages.
- Jan – Jun 2020 - Application to become one of the additional 16 villages.
- Jun 2020 - 16 additional villages selected & started strategy developement.
- 27 Oct 2020 - 1st Smart Village Academy
- Dec 2020 - All selected villages complete their smart strategies
- Feb 2021 - Smart action planning starts in all 21 villages
- 23-24 Feb 2021 - 2nd Smart Village Academy
- Jul 2021 - Selection of 2 villages to complete strategic actions in full
- 14 Sept 2021 - 1st Regional Workshop in Tomaszyn (online)
- 5 Nov 2021 - 2nd Regional Workshop held in Stanz
- Dec 2021 – Feb 2022 - Policy Workshops
- 27 Jan 2022 - 3rd Regional Workshop held in Ostana (online)
- 18 Mar 2022 - 4th Regional Workshop held in Torup
- Jun 2022 - Strategic action support completed in supported villages
- May- Jun 2022 - Cross-visits
- Jun 2022 - Strategic action support completed in supported villages
- 17-18 Oct 2022 - Final conference
- Nov 2022 - The Smart Rural 21 project ends
Project News
Final conference of the Smart Rural 21 project
The closing event of the project discussed its outcomes and processes, including the intensive collaboration with rural communities and other stakeholders across Europe in the aim of realising 'Smart Villages' on the ground. Over 120 participants, including policymakers from EU, national and regional levels, as well as village representatives attended the event in Sopot (Poland) on 17-18 October 2022. Find more information, speakers' presentations and a recording of Day 1 here!
Remetea (RO) cross-visit
The Smart Rural 21 project and its Come Along! villages’ visited Remetea on 15-16 June 2022, getting to see the traditional, modern and post-modern faces of its community. Visitors got a view of the history, everyday life, and natural and cultural heritage of the village, which included tours of the local backyard farms and animal husbandry centre, as well as an excursion to the surrounding mountains.
Virtsu (EE) cross-visit
During the Virtsu cross-visit of 31 May-1 June locals showed to Smart Rural 21 selected and Come Along! village repesentatives the main pillars on which they have built their Smart Village strategy and which they want to develop further. A tour of the village included the former fishery area and the marina, the local castle, the village school, cultural association and more. The tour concluded with a professional workshop and a short walk in Puhtu National Reserve.
Alsunga (LV) cross-visit
The Smart Rural 21 project and its Come Along! villages visited Alsunga on 24-25 May to get acquainted with its unique local culture and traditions, and the close cooperation among its residents, including small producers and young people. The Local IT developer Kristaps spoke about digital issues, including the training and development of a local mobile app. Visitors got a flavour of how well traditions interact with modern trends in the village.
Ostana (IT) cross-visit
The Smart Rural 21 project and its Come Along! villages visited Ostana on 16-17 May to learn about its rural mobility strategy and residency programme. The 15 visitors met the ’living books’ of Ostana, having locals telling them their own life stories… Finally, visitors walked through the hamlets of the village to learn about the architectural and housing rebirth of Ostana.
Ansó (ES) cross-visit
Seven members of the Smart Rural 21 project and its Come Along! villages visited Ansó on 12-13 May 2022 for a project cross-visit which featured a workshop on rural challenges and presentations of community initiatives. Visitors heard from the local school children about their recent project: an outdoor classroom focused on environment and nature. Ansó residents also recounted how the community welcomed a Ukrainian family, helped with housing, clothing, and a job opportunity, as well as integrated the children in school.
Mukařov (CZ) cross-visit
The Smart Rural 21 project and its selected and Come Along! villages visited Mukařov on 5-6 May 2022 where they saw a series of community projects, including the recent integration of Ukrainian families. Mukařov presented its smart garbage collection system, ways in which old buildings are renovated according to the most recent technologies, and other relevant projects to make the village even tidier and more liveable.
Cross-visits across Europe
Thanks to the improved pandemic situation and the support of the hosting Smart Rural 21 villages, cross-visits and other one-to-one village visits are organised during May and June 2022.
Cross-visits allow village representatives (especially from the selected and Come Along! Smart Rural 21 villages) to get inspired, exchange, and learn from each other's smart approaches.
Language should not be a barrier anymore
Thanks to a built-in translator engine, from now you can read the Smart Rural 21 website contents in any of the official EU languages. You can select the preferred language by clicking at the language selection dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the page.
Cross-visit in Torup
Joint to the 4th Regional Workshop a cross-visit of villages was organised. The participants got inspired by community-led projects: a railway station reconstructed as a book shop & offices, a concert hall installed in a former diary plant, an art gallery that welcomes exhibitions of artists from across the World, a local community-owned mill, local boarding school for entrepreneurship and design, new GP service provided by local village doctor and more…
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