Policy Workshops

The policy workshops aimed to bring together policy makers from across Europe from Common Agricultural Policy, Cohesion and other policies with the aim of discussing effective Smart Villages policy instruments.

1st Policy Group Workshop

13 December 2021@ 14.00-16.00 CET-ZOOM

The main objective of the policy workshop was to present the outcomes of the Smart Rural 21 project to date, with specific focus on policy findings and recommendations. The workshop aimed to contribute to the identification and selection of future policy case studies, and identify specific needs of policymakers to develop more effective Smart Villages policy instruments in the future through exchange of experience.


14.00 – 14.20 Who is in the r(z)oom Introduction of participants
14.20 – 14.35 Presentation about the Smart Rural 21 project – Edina Ocsko, Smart Rural 21 project (Project Coordinator)
14.35 – 14.50 Presentation about policy findings: Smart Villages policy framework, findings from the Smart Rural 21 & Smart Rural 27 projects  – Edina Ocsko, E40 Group & Sarah Peter, IfLS
14.50 – 15.20 Q&A and discussion; Interactive session: Type of support planned in Member States
15.20 – 15.50 Presentation of identified policy cases – Presentation and reflection by participants from the relevant countries. “Voting” on the most relevant/ interesting policy cases for further elaboration.
15.50 – 16.00 Final remarks & next steps

Workshop outcomes

  1. How far your country is advanced in smart villages
  2. Which case study do you suggest to be developed
  3. Smart Rural 21 Policy Support

SUMMARY REPORT of the 1st Policy Group Workshop

2nd Policy Group Workshop

18 January 2022@ 10.00-12.45 CET-ZOOM

The main objective of the policy workshop was to present Smart Villages policy instruments from across Europe through the active engagement of participants. Following practical presentations on Smart Villages support by members, smaller break-out room discussions were organised with the participants around specific funding mechamisms and schemes. The workshop also aimed to contribute to the elaboration of policy case studies within the Smart Rural 21 project.


10.00 – 10.15 Introduction to the meeting and ‘warming up’
10.15 – 11.15 Presentation of Smart Villages support instruments from across Europe to date

The Smart Villages training programme in Estonia, Kristiina Tammets
The ‘smart’ concept and multi-funded support of smart communities in Czechia, RutBízková
The innovation camp method for capacity-building and co-developing smart solutions, Pätilä Salla & Juha-Matti Markkola
Q&A and discussion
11.15 – 12.00 Working groups: Lessons from supporting Smart Villages
Discussion questions: (i) What have been the most successful components of support instruments and processes?, (ii) What could (or should) be done differently to make Smart Villages more effective?
• Supporting Smart Villages through LEADER
• Animation support for the emergence of Smart Villages
Funding innovative solutions in rural communities through the CAP & beyond
12.00 – 12.20 Feedback from working groups
12.20 – 12.45 Concluding remarks, comments & next steps (including case study structure)

Workshop outcomes

Group 1: Supporting Smart Villages through LEADER

Group 2: Animation support for the emergence of Smart Villages

Group 3: Supporting Smart Villages strategies and innovation solutions

SUMMARY REPORT of the 2nd Policy Group Workshop

3rd Policy Group Workshop

28 February 2022@ 14.00-17.00 CET-ZOOM

The main objective of the policy workshop was to present and discuss the five policy case studies developed by the Smart Rural 21 project in Wallonia, France, Finland, Estonia and Czechia, as well as to inform participants about the next steps in the policy work (including the work of the Smart Rural 27 project).


14.00 – 14.10 Welcome by Edina Ocsko (E40) & ice-breaker
14.10 – 14.15 Short introduction to the case study process, Sarah Peter (IfLS)

14.15 – 15.15 Presentation of the 5 case studies from Wallonia, France, Czechia, Estonia & Finland
15.15 – 16.15 Working groups: Lessons from supporting Smart Villages
Capacity-building for Smart Villages (LEADER & networking)
Smart Villages programmes & calls (CAP and Cohesion Policy)
16.15 – 16.25 Short break
16.25 – 16.35 Short feedback from the working groups
16.35 – 17.00 Future Smart Villages policy work – The Smart Rural 27 project, Edina Ocsko
Discussion about next steps – needs – activities

Workshop outcomes

Working Group 1: Capacity-building for Smart Villages (LEADER & networking)

Working Group 2: Smart Villages programmes & calls (CAP and Cohesion Policy)

SUMMARY REPORT of the 3rd Policy Group Workshop

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