
We are a village 35 km away from our capital Prague with 2500 permanent inhabitants (and some 500 residents who have houses in the village, but are not officially registered here). Our municipality consists of three formerly independent villages: Mukařov-Buda – an ancient settlement with our church, school, medical centre and shops laying at the crossroads of traditional trading routes, Srbín – a former agricultural village with extensive recent construction of new family houses, and Žernovka – a village known for its stonemasonry tradition.

Most of our working-age citizens commute to work outside the municipality. One of our aims is to improve communication and linkages between our citizens and the local government administration. Among others, we would like to improve e-governance practices, allowing flexibility in administration for citizens who are not in the village during working hours (due to every-day commuting).

First ‘smart’ steps were made in 2019 when we introduced an incentive system for waste management and launched a new municipal website. This year we are seeking ways to offer our citizens online payment of local fees.

We are currently looking for ways to better engage through digital means with those citizens (including children, youth, parents and seniors) who spend most of their time in the village. We would also like to attract more tourists and visitors to the village, which is part of Ladův kraj micro-region – a voluntary union of municipalities for tourism development and promotion – named after Josef Lada (famous Czech painter and illustrator) who drew inspiration for his work from the local area characterised by well-preserved nature.

Village strategy :

Mukařov village strategy


Smart Rural Journey

Follow along with our Village Roadmap here :

A rapidly growing rural agglomeration with few facilities (such as cafés, playgrounds, or other spaces to meet) set up a 'youth club' that featured various well-thought-out activities and a youth animator, which contributed to its success.


8th Smart Rural Café, Mukařov (3 February 2022)

Kateřina Čadilová and Veronika Zemenova talk about the challenges and assets of being a suburban area of Prague, the village’s tailor-made website and communication system, the incentive waste management and the “MY WASTE” application, their community centre as the meeting point of all generations, what is smart in the age of “distant life“ and more…

Mukařov youth study trip to Ireland

In May 2022, a group of six Mukařov teenagers visited Cork to learn about programmes dedicated to youth. By invitation of SECAD from Midleton and within the framework of the Smart Rural 21 project, the trip combined visits to youth facilities with an exploration of the history and natural attractions of the south of Ireland.

Mukařov at the European Week of Regions and Cities

Get a better sense of Mukařov’s smart actions, watch this short video overviewing the various activities the village is implementing.

Resources :

Youth engagement through the newly emerging Hangout4Teens Club
Veronika Zemenova - Municipality of Mukařov ( 18/10/2022 )
A presentation on Smart Rural 21 selected village Mukařov’s (Czechia) experience with youth engagement. The presentation was given in the workshop “How to keep young people busy, engaged and interested smartly?” at the Smart Rural 21 project’s Final Conference of 17-18 October 2022 in Sopot, Poland.
Language : English
Mukařov’s Smart Village journey
Kateřina Čadilová - Municipality of Mukařov ( 17/10/2022 )
A presentation on Mukařov’s smart journey, including how the village got engaged with the ‘Smart Village’ concept, and the ‘smart’ actions carried out and plans for the future. The presentation was given at the Smart Rural 21 project’s Final Conference of 17-18 October 2022 in Sopot, Poland.
Language : English
Plan of Playground (Mukarov village)
Semanský (Jr) Rudolf ( 10/2021 )
This plan is part of the smart actions in Mukarov on planning a space for young people, with their close engagement (assessing their needs, getting their suggestions, etc.). The plan was presented by the architect to the local young people in October 2020, and a discussion took place to take account of the ideas and needs of the teenagers.
Summary Highlights of the Smart Village Strategy of Mukařov (Czechia)
Municipality of Mukařov ( 12/2020 )
The Summary Highlights of the Smart Village Strategy of Mukařov has been developed in the context of the ‘Preparatory Action for Smart Rural Areas in the 21st Century’ project funded by the European Commission.
Language : English

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