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This page contains specific information about the planning and implementation of smart villages in Slovenia. The information aims to orient people on policy planning, key contacts and resources on smart villages. However, it neither aims to be fully comprehensive, nor necessarily reflects the official government or European Commission position.

Explore how smart villages are being implemented in Slovenia.

You can also visit the page of the Smart Rural 21 selected village: Šentviška Gora Plateau

Key CAP contact(s) :

Support for Smart Villages under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

Smart Villages is a well-known concept in Slovenia, also due to the fact that the concept has been initiated by Slovenian Member of the European Parliament (MEP Franc Bogovič). MEP Franc Bogovič promoted the initiative not only at the European level, but also in the national context through supporting the organision of several events in various regions of the country.

Several basic needs and opportunities identified during the SWOT analysis of 2021-27 CAP strategic planning are expected to be supported through the Smart Villages concept, such as (i) integrated rural development, village renewal (including basic services), (ii) short supply chains, supply of the local area, towns, schools, tourism with agricultural and other local products,(iii) social innovation (including multigenerational integration, services and care for the elderly and disabled, social inclusion of young people, vulnerable groups in rural areas), (iv)  cooperation among farmers, groups and producer, (v) tourism, heritage, quality of life, preservation of natural, cultural heritage and tradition, and (vi)smart agriculture, self-sufficiency with food, bioeconomy.

The Smart Villages concept could be a part of various interventions of the CAP Strategic Plan such as:

  1. Smart Villages in LEADER intervention(Local Development Strategies; cooperation, investments, etc.)
  2. Smart Villages intervention / Village renewal and development
  3. National Rural Network (including dissemination of information and good practices on Smart Villages, capacity building, creation of platforms, events, peer to peer learning, etc)
  4. Smart Villages in other rural development interventions (digitalisation, investments, knowledge transfer) – to be discussed

Detailed planning has started on local development strategies and interventions to be supported by (i) LEADER and (ii) Smart Villages. Specific provisions foreseen include:

  • Beneficiaries:(i) LEADER is expected to support LAGs, natural persons and legal entities in rural areas; (ii) Smart Villages interventions are focusing on municipalities and development agencies.
  • Eligible costs: Both LEADER and Smart Villages cover preparatory, costs of labour, material, investments, cooperation, services and in-kind contributions (LEADER also covers cooperation costs)
  • Smart Villages Strategy: (i) in the case of LEADER, Smart Villages can be a chosen part of the LAG’s Local Development Strategy, in which case financial resources for operations could be increased; (ii) in the case of Smart Villages, action plan (simple development strategy) can be developed by the municipality.
  • Criteria for SV project selection: (i) in the context of LEADER, Smart Villages projects could be selected through LAG call for operations based on specific criteria (such as partnership, smart solutions including digitalisation, innovation, infrastructure, etc.); (ii) in the context of the Smart Villages intervention, the Managing Authority manages calls based on specific criteria (area, partnership, smart solutions, etc.)
  • Area: (i) LEADER concerns spatially connected area in a LAG); (ii) Smart Villages concerns spatially connected area / municipalities in a region.

Further information on CAP & smart villages :

Pametne vasi v Strateškem načrtu SKP Slovenija ( 30/04/2024 ) - E40 (Language : Slovenian)
Smart Villages in CAP Strategic plan Slovenia ( 30/04/2024 ) - E40 (Language : English)
Smart Villages Support in Slovenia ( 16/11/2022 ) - E40 (Language : English)

Key NRN contact(s) :

Slovenian National Rural Network
Key contact(s) :
Matej Štepec (Advisor)
Email : mreza-podezelje.mkgp@gov.si
Website : https://www.program-podezelja.si/en/national-rural-network

Activities of the National Rural Network (NRN) on smart villages

  • Since 2019 the National Rural Network (NRN) supports Smart Villages-related activities. The NRN has been actively involved in the Smart Villages work of European Commission and of the ENRD.
  • The NRN developed a Smart Villages webpage, where news and videos are published: https://www.program-podezelja.si/sl/podezelje-prihodnosti-pametne-vasi
  • One of the partners of the NRN regularly prepares short video articles about Smart Villages good practices and provides regular updates in this context.
  • In May 2020,the NRN and the LEADER Office within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food(MAFF) launched and analysed a survey about the Smart Villages in Slovenia (970 responses were received). The results have served as the basis of the preparation of the future Smart Villages concept.

Support provided through other national/ regional policies & initiatives

No clear provisions are available in other policy areas to support Smart Villages. The Smart Villages concept might be supported by the Community-led Local Initiative (CLLD) programme, to support it be supported by 1% of all Cohesion Funds.

Further key resources

How LEADER/CLLD Local Action Groups can support the emergence of smart village strategies and projects?
Primoz Kroflic - LAG Raznolikost Podezelja ( 11/05/2023 )
A presentation on fostering Smart Village strategies and projects and the role of LEADER/CLLD Local Action Groups in Slovenia was given at the 1st European Smart Villages Pilot Observatory meeting.
Language : English

Usability analysis of the Pečine intergenerational centre
Aleš Kavčič ( 03/2022 )
A legal analysis examining the options and the most suitable legal form of Šentviška Gora Plateau’s intergenerational center and the organisation responsible for its realisation.
Language : Slovenian

Reviving the community centre to become a hub of intergenerational exchange in Sentviska Community building
Nives Laharnar - Municipality of Šentviška Gora ( 18/10/2022 )
A presentation on Smart Rural 21 selected village Šentviška Gora Plateau’s (Slovenia) experience with regeneration of old buildings. The presentation was given in the workshop “How to breathe new life into old buildings? – Community buildings & community engagement” at the Smart Rural 21 project’s Final Conference of 17-18 October 2022 in Sopot, Poland.
Language : English

Šentviška Gora Plateau’s Smart Village journey
Polonca Kavcic , Nives Laharnar - Municipality of Šentviška Gora ( 17/10/2022 )
A presentation on Šentviška Gora Plateau’s smart journey, including how the village got engaged with the ‘Smart Village’ concept, and the ‘smart’ actions carried out and plans for the future. The presentation was given at the Smart Rural 21 project’s Final Conference of 17-18 October 2022 in Sopot, Poland
Language : English

Smart Villages: Revitalising Rural Services
( 09/07/2018 )
A video with Slovenian subtitles produced by the ENRD Contact Point summarising what a ‘smart village’ represents from different perspectives.
Language : English, Slovenian

Smart Village Strategy of Šentviška Gora Plateau
Polonca Kavcic , Nives Laharnar - Municipality of Šentviška Gora ( 05/11/2021 )
A presentation given at the 2nd Regional Workshop of the Smart Rural 21 project on the intergenerational centre and other smart activities of Šentviška Gora Plateau, one of the project’s 21 selected villages.
Language : English

Engaging the local community in Šentviška Gora Plateau
Nika Kikelj Maver - Municipality of Šentviška Gora ( 27/10/2020 )
Presentation provided at the 1st Smart Village Academy of the Smart Rural 21 project about the activities of Šentviška Gora Plateau, one of the selected 21 communities.
Language : English

Summary Highlights of the Smart Village Strategy of Šentviška Gora Plateau (Slovenia)
Municipality of Šentviška Gora ( 12/2020 )
The Summary Highlights of the Smart Village Strategy of Šentviška Gora Plateau has been developed in the context of the ‘Preparatory Action for Smart Rural Areas in the 21st Century’ project funded by the European Commission.
Language : English

Smart Village Strategy of Šentviška Gora Plateau (Slovenia)
Municipality of Šentviška Gora ( 12/2020 )
The Smart Village Strategy of Šentviška Gora Plateau has been developed in the context of the ‘Preparatory Action for Smart Rural Areas in the 21st Century’ project funded by the European Commission.
Language : Slovenian

Interreg Alpine Space “SmartVillages” initiative
Swiss Centre for mountain regions Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Berggebiete SAB , University of Maribor
The project aims to apply a Smart Village approach and bring together – in so-called Regional Stakeholder Groups (policy makers, business, academia and civil society) to improve the framework for innovation through new forms of stakeholder involvement facilitated by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The test area includes Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland.
Language : English

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